“Know Your Client” Form for Individuals

KYC Individual 2018

Investment Objective

The following five values must add up to 100%.

For any objectives you do not select, you must enter 0 (zero) and not leave any blank.

Indicate your preferred Investment Objective for your account. Here is an example of what you could put:

Safety: 20%
Income: 25%
Growth: 35%
Speculation: 20%
Balanced: 0%
Total: 100%

Intended Use of Account 

Investment Knowledge *

  • Limited/Novice: You have only invested in simple securities such as savings bonds or well-known common shares largely based on the advice of others.
  • Fair: You have some knowledge or experience with investments and/or credit products, including bonds, stocks, mutual funds, term deposits or real estate.
  • Good: You have either traded in or have reasonable knowledge of the characteristics of both fixed income securities and common shares, as well as an understanding of the degree of risk and reward inherent in these types of securities.
  • High/Sophisticated: You have a good business background, follow the markets regularly and have traded in and understand most types of investment securities

Subscriber is an insider of a reporting issuer or other issuer whose securities are publicly traded

(as those terms are defined under applicable securities laws)

Subscriber is a Politically Exposed Domestic Person (PEDP)

(You are a politically exposed domestic person if you, or a family member or close associate, hold or you have ever held one of the following offices or positions in or on behalf of Canada: a head of state or government; a member of the executive council of government or member of a legislature; a deputy minister (or equivalent); an ambassador or an ambassador’s attaché or counsellor; a military general (or higher rank); a president of a state-owned company or bank; a head of a government agency; a judge; or a leader or president of a political party in a legislature)

Subscriber is a Politically Exposed Foreign Person (PEFP)

(You are a politically exposed foreign person if you, or a family member or close associate, hold or you have ever held one of the following offices or positions in or on behalf of a foreign country: a head of state or government; a member of the executive council of government or member of a legislature; a deputy minister (or equivalent); an ambassador or an ambassador’s attaché or counsellor; a military general (or higher rank); a president of a state-owned company or bank; a head of a government agency; a judge; or a leader or president of a political party in a legislature)

Subscriber is a Head of an International Organization (HIO)

(You are a head of an international organization if you, or a family member or close associate, is either the head of an international organization established by the governments of states; or the head of an institution established by an international organization. The head of an international organization or the head of an institution established by an international organization refers to the primary person who leads that organization, for example a president or CEO.)